College Name: VIT University, Chennai Campus
About Seminar:
The demand for electrical power is expected to increase three fold in another decade. So apart from planning and installing additional power generation plants, there is an urgent need for the development of sustainable renewable energy sources and to reduce the environmental pollution. Renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies are keys to create a clean energy future for not only the nation, but also for the entire world. Also, to save the earth from global warming, exploring the ways of harnessing pollution free resources are essential.
Department: EEE
Date of Seminar: 27th April 2013
Topic to be Covered:
- Fundamentals of Fuel Cell Technology
- Fuel Cells for Industrial and Commercial Applications
- Power Converters for Fuel Cells
- Research opportunities in Fuel Cell Technologies and Power Electronic Interface
Important Dates:
- Receiving completed Application (Before) : 15th April 2013
- Notification of Selection : 21st April 2013
Registration Details:
- Industry Personnel : Rs. 800/-
- Academicians : Rs. 500/-
- Research / PG Scholars : Rs. 300/-
(Registration fee will be accepted only by Demand Draft drawn in favor of “VIT University - Chennai Campus”, payable at Chennai)
Registration Form: Clickhere
Contact Person:
Prof. J.L. Febin Daya
Assistant Professor (Senior)
Mobile : 9994468737
Phone : 044-39931261
Send Your Registration Form Along With DD to:
The Organizing Secretaries,
Research Advances in Power Electronics for Fuel Cell Based Systems,
VIT Chennai
Vandalur - Kelambakkam Road
Chennai - 600 127.